Why Kids Don’t Like Sports?

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We chose this topic because we thought it would be interesting for the kids that don’t like sport and explain them about sports. We chose elementary as our audience because we could explain to them more about sports and what’s the benefit of sports. The topic is sports and what if kids don’t like sports? There is a lot of other things that don’t involve that much equipment and you many end up liking it. There is many benefits of doing sports because it keeps you in shape and helps you stay healthy and not get sick or anything. We hope it will influence the audience with positive thoughts and not negative thoughts about sports. The things we learned in this topic is that there are kids that don’t like sports because they are afraid of getting hurt by the ball or getting injured. There are other sports that have less equipment, less injured and those kids would be interested in those sports.


The process of this project

During the process of this we had to get a poster and have information of the topic we chose to do because we are going to present this project to elementary kids very soon. It took us not so much time because we couldn’t figure out how to label the information on the poster. Before starting the poster we had to do a graphic organizer that we had to come up with the main question and sub-questions. We had to have at least three articles that would provide us information about the topic. After that, we had to do a research paper about the articles we were provided. Then, we had to have a brochure made for our topic. The brochure is going to have some information for the audience to look at when they come by our poster. Finally, by having all this information we had to put it all in the poster.

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